Candy Corn: Hate it or Love it

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Why is Candy Corn So Hated Yet Loved?

Candy corn, with its distinctive tri-colored appearance, has been a staple of Halloween candy offerings for decades. However, it seems that no other candy polarizes people quite like candy corn. Some folks can't get enough of its sugary sweetness, while others can't stand the sight of it. In this article, we'll delve into the perplexing world of candy corn and explore the reasons behind why it's so often met with disdain.

The Origins of Candy Corn

Candy corn has a long and storied history dating back to the late 19th century. It was first created by George Renninger of the Wunderlee Candy Company in the 1880s. This sweet confection was originally called "chicken feed" and was intended to mimic the appearance of corn kernels.

Nostalgia Factor

One reason why some people love candy corn while others despise it may be linked to nostalgia. For many, candy corn evokes fond memories of childhood Halloween celebrations. It's a candy that's often associated with the excitement of dressing up in costumes and going door to door for treats.

Sweetness Overload

Candy corn is undeniably sweet. It's essentially pure sugar, and some people simply can't handle the intensity of the sweetness. Those who prefer less sugary treats may find candy corn overwhelming.

Texture Matters

Texture plays a significant role in food preferences. Candy corn has a somewhat waxy and chewy texture that can be off-putting to those who prefer smoother or crunchier candies. The distinct layers of candy corn can also be divisive, with some finding them enjoyable and others finding them strange.

Artificial Flavors

Candy corn is known for its unique flavor profile, which some describe as a mix of vanilla and marshmallow. However, the artificial flavors used in candy corn may not appeal to everyone's taste buds. People who prefer candies with natural flavors may steer clear of candy corn.

Seasonal Overload

Candy corn is closely associated with Halloween, and it's typically only available for a short period each year. This limited availability may contribute to the polarized opinions about it. Some eagerly await its return, while others are content to skip it altogether.

A Matter of Tradition

For many, including candy corn in their Halloween celebrations is a long-standing tradition. They view it as an essential part of the holiday and continue to embrace it, even if it's met with groans from some family members or friends.

Social Media Influence

In today's digital age, the disdain for candy corn has found a platform on social media. Memes and posts poking fun at candy corn's divisive nature have become commonplace, perpetuating the idea that it's a universally disliked candy.


In the end, the question of why candy corn is so hated on may not have a single answer. It's likely a combination of factors, including personal taste preferences, texture aversions, and the power of tradition. Whether you love it or loathe it, candy corn continues to be a Halloween staple that sparks spirited debates every year.


Is candy corn the only candy that people either love or hate?
No, there are many candies and foods that divide people's opinions, but candy corn is one of the most famous examples.
Are there any alternative uses for candy corn besides eating it?
Yes, some people use candy corn for decorative purposes in crafts and baking.
What are some other candies that are popular during Halloween?
Some popular Halloween candies include chocolate bars, gummy candies, and licorice.
Can I find candy corn outside of the United States?
While candy corn is most commonly associated with the United States, you can sometimes find it in other countries, especially in stores that import American candies.
Is there a healthier version of candy corn available?
Some companies offer variations of candy corn with reduced sugar or natural ingredients, catering to those looking for a healthier option.

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